National Beef Association
For everyone with an interest in the British beef industry

Press Release - Beef Industry Mourns Loss of NBA Vice-Chairman

15th September 2009

Region: National


The NBA was deeply saddened by the news of Frank Momber’s death on September 12 following a short illness.   Mr Momber became involved with the NBA in its early days and has been national vice chairman since 2000. 

Frank’s determination to raise the issues facing the industry constantly took him into the upper echelons of government discussions, driving policy changes on behalf of NBA members for the benefit of the beef cattle sector.

His prominence as a key industry representative saw him being appointed to the board of the meat industry promotional organisation, EBLEX, before and after the new AHDB structure was formalised.  He was particularly passionate about cattle health and welfare after the dairy herd on his farm at Hatchmoor, Hawkley, Hampshire was culled during the foot and mouth disease outbreak in the 1960’s. 

At that time Frank made the decision to move out of dairying and restocked the farm with beef suckler cows. Over the last four years he was heavily involved in the development of the Stabiliser breed in the UK, building up his own herd on the farm.

NBA director, Kim Haywood, said Mr Momber was a true, charismatic English gentleman whose presence and humour would be greatly missed by many.  

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Frank’s family at this difficult time,” said Ms Haywood.


For further information contact: Kim Haywood, NBA Director: 07967 698936