National Beef Association
For everyone with an interest in the British beef industry

Treatment of Meat for FMD

9th August 2007

Region: National

Current overview on the movement of animals  currently permitted by licences issued from 8 August and marketing of meat

Meat & Offal from animals slaughtered in any GB area before 15 July 2007

1. May be marketed in the UK and exported, providing that:

a. it is clearly identified with oval health mark;
b. has been transported and stored separately from meat produced after 15 July.

2. Must be handled as if produced after 15 July if these conditions cannot be met.

Breakdown of controls on livestock movements to slaughter and movement of meat & offal produced from animals slaughtered after 15 July 2007

Restricted Zone (RZ)

This is currently the area of GB not covered by the Protection  Zone or Surveillance Zone.

• Livestock movements - A general licence has been issued for movements of livestock  from premises within the RZ to move directly to slaughter in an abattoir in the RZ.  Conditions of the licence and reporting requirements must be met.

• Abattoir –
o Must apply and be approved by MHS and undertake to meet certain requirements and be  listed by Defra;
o No person may move meat from a slaughterhouse (unless it is intended for  consumption) except under a licence.

• Meat – Must be round stamped

Surveillance Zone (SZ)

• Livestock Movement - Ban on movements from and between premises continues

• Meat currently held in the RZ from animals originating in the SZ but slaughtered  after 15 July may only be marketed subject to the following:

o Animals must have been kept on the same premises for 21 days before slaughter and  identified to ensure traceability or tested with negative results within the  previous 48 hours
o meat must have been detained under supervision for at least 7 days and until any  suspicion of infection on the premises of origin on which the SZ from which the  animals originate is centred has been ruled out; or
o meat must be clearly identified and have been detained under supervision for 24  hours and not released until after a repeat inspection of animals on the premises of  origin has ruled out on clinical grounds the presence of infected or suspect  animals.

o Treatments required for meat and other animal products before being marketed:

o Cross stamping until heat treatment in accordance with requirements of Annex III(1)  of Council Directive 2002/99/EC ~Treatments to eliminate certain animal health risks  linked to meat and milk~ (‘cooked’). Cooked product can bear round stamp;
o separation required in abattoirs, transport and storage and subsequent premises  until treatment complete;
o Beef to be heat cooked or matured and de-boned
o Pig meat and sheep meat to be cooked;
o Offal must be trimmed, cross stamped and cooked.

No licence has yet been produced to allow the movement of PZ or SZ meat within the SZ

Protection Zone (PZ)

• Livestock Movement  - Ban on movements from and between premises continues

• Meat – currently held in the RZ from animals originating in the PZ but slaughtered  after 15 July may only be marketed subject to:
o cross stamping of all food products until treatment cooked, after which the product  can bear the round stamp;
o meat and offal to be cooked;
o separation required in abattoirs, transport and storage and subsequent premises  until treatment complete;

No licence has yet been produced for the movement of PZ or SZ meat within the PZ