National Beef Association
For everyone with an interest in the British beef industry

Movement Licences etc

16th August 2007

Region: National

Guidance for Livestock Keepers for General Welfare Movements Licences between land under the Same Occupation for FMD 2007 (15 August 2007) EDZ406(FMD)(E)

What welfare related livestock movements are being permitted?
Movements of  FMD susceptible species within the same holding (i.e. between land within the same occupancy) over a maximum distance of three kilometres are being permitted under a general licence for welfare reasons within the Restricted Zone (RZ, the whole of GB excluding the Surrey Protection and Surveillance Zones ).   Livestock keepers should note that there must be a clear welfare reason for the movement.  Movements of livestock should, as a general principle, be as few as possible in order to minimise the risk of disease spread at the current time.  Livestock keepers should consider veterinary advice about any health or welfare problems in their animals.  Where veterinary medicines are used to treat the welfare problem, livestock keepers are reminded of the requirement to maintain a medicines record.

Why are licences required?
The purpose of banning livestock movements is to manage the potential risk of disease spread.  Movements within a premises are allowed,  but should not take place on a public highway, unless under licence (see above).  This is because public highways are a potential route of spread of FMD if vehicles are contaminated via dung etc.  Movements across or along roads are only currently being allowed to address specified welfare needs.  Movements along roads within the same holding should be made only where necessary and within the specific distance limits set in the movement licence (3km).

Do I need to contact anyone if I am moving FMD susceptible animals along public roads within my holding?
No.  As long as the livestock keeper considers there to be a welfare need and the animals are moving no further than 3km, as the crow flies, within the same holding (land under the same occupancy) then they can be moved under the terms of the general licence without prior approval.  However, livestock keepers are advised to seek veterinary advice about any health or welfare problems in their animals.

How is the maximum 3km distance for welfare moves within holdings to be measured?  Is it distance along roads or as the crow flies?
The 3km maximum distance is measured in a straight line, or as the crow flies.

What is required in order to allow movements of FMD susceptible livestock?
The key conditions to the general licence are:
• that  vehicles used for the transport of livestock are thoroughly cleansed and
 disinfected before a vehicle enters a public highway; and, 
• where animals are moved by foot, any animal excreta is removed from the part of the   highway used immediately after the movement is completed.

These conditions are essential to minimise contamination of public highways.

Those carrying out movements, e.g. lorry drivers, should also carry a copy of the general licence in case they are stopped by officials and asked to provide documentation.

What does cleansing and disinfection of vehicles involve?
Cleansing and disinfection should be carried out so as to reduce as far as reasonably practicable the risk of transmission of disease.  This involves:

• before and after each movement the vehicle’s wheels, wheel arches and mudflaps must  be cleansed and disinfected and the outside of the vehicle must be cleansed of any  visible mud, animal faeces or any similar matter;

• after first cleansing a vehicle or other equipment, disinfection should be carried  out  with a disinfectant approved under the Diseases of Animals (Approved  Disinfectants)  (England) Order 2007 at the concentration required under that Order.

Can I move all my animals under the welfare licence?
No.  The licence only allows movement to help solve or prevent acute welfare problems.

How long will these arrangements go on for?
Until at least the 24 August when they will be reviewed by Defra and industry representatives.

Guidance for Keepers of Pigs on General Movement Licences for Moving Pigs between Different Premises – EXD416(FMD)(E)

Welfare Movements for FMD 2007  (15 August 2007)

Q1: What welfare related pig movements are being permitted?

A1: Movements of pigs between premises to protect their welfare are allowed under a  General Licence stipulating specific conditions to be satisfied from 00:01 on  Thursday, 16 August 2007.

Q2: Why are licences required for moves of pigs between premises?

A2: The purpose of banning livestock movements is to manage the potential risk of  disease spread.  Limited movements for pigs between premises are allowed to protect  their welfare under strict conditions that mitigate to an acceptable level the  possibility of spread of FMD.

Q3: What is required in order to allow movements of pigs between premises?

A3: A duly completed, signed veterinary certificate confirming the absence of clinical  signs of FMD among the pigs on the premise and that a move is required to protect  the pigs welfare, along with a signed Movement Licence.

Q4: How can these be obtained?

A4: Uncompleted veterinary certificates and movement licences are available from the  defra website [link]

Q5: Who must complete the certificate and licence?

A5: An LVI / OV.

Q6: How do I contact my nearest LVI / OV?

A6: Contact your usual vet.  He may be an LVI.  If not he will know where to contact the  nearest one.

Q7: Who decides if the welfare problem on my unit is acute enough?

A7: For movements between premises the decision rests with the LVI.  Please discuss it   with the LVI so that he/she can prioritise the visit to your unit.

Q8: Do I still need to complete an AML2

A8: Yes.  All pig movements are still subject to the current rules

Q9: Do I need to retain a copy of the veterinary certficate?

A9: No.  The completed and signed veterinary certificate and movement licence accompany  the transportation of the pigs, but a copy of the veterinary certificate must be  sent to the MLC, ideally by fax to: 01908 844228 or, if that is not possible, by  post to MLC Services Ltd, Winterhill House, PO Box 44, Snowden Drive, Milton Keynes,  MK6 1AX.  The LVI will countersign the AML2 form to show that the certificate has  been issued.  A copy of the certificate will be retained centrally.

Q10: When will the veterinary certificate and movement licence be available?

A10: The certificate and licence will be available on defra’s website from 00.01 hrs  Thursday 16 August 2007.

Q11: Can I move all my pigs under these licences?

A11: No.  The licence enables pigs movements between premises to protect the welfare of  the pigs.

Q12: How far can I move my pigs under these licences?

A12: Providing all the necessary licence conditions are met, up to 50km assessed as a  straight line or as the crow flies where the premises of destination are not empty  and up to 100km as the crow flies where the premises of destination are empty of  pigs.

Q13: How is the distance measured?

A13: Distance over which pigs can be moved will be assessed as a straight line or as the  crow flies.

Q14: Can I move pigs to or from a holding in Scotland or Wales?

A14: No.  This licence covers England only.  At the present time Scotland and Wales have  different movement requirements and licences.

Q15: Who pays for the LVI for the veterinary certificate?

A15: The producer pays for the LVI producing the veterinary certificate.

Q16: How long will these arrangements go on for?

A16: Until at least the 24 August when they will be reviewed by Defra and industry  representatives.

Q17: What movements are permitted in pig pyramids?

A17: Specific licences may be granted on a case-by-case basis to alleviate acute or  anticipated acute welfare problems in pigs.  Movements from breeding units to grower  units, and grower units to finishing units will be permitted under licence provided:

 (i)  For pig units that are approved under the Pig (Records, Identification and  Movement) Order 2007 (PRIMO) and registered with AH as a connected pyramid which is  closed to movements of pigs from premises outside the pyramid structure, the  following conditions will apply:

 (a) A valid veterinary certificate issued by an LVI not more than 6 hours before l oading commences certifying that: 
• Following a veterinary inspection of the pigs on the premises that an animal welfare  problem exists and that there is no evidence of FMD in any pigs on the premises;
• The LVI is satisfied that the end destination is consistent with maintaining good  biosecurity and animal welfare (e.g. it is part of the registered pyramid in  question);
• The distance of the move is no more than 50km, or 100km where the end destination is  empty at the start of the movement process (in cases where it is necessary to move  more than one consignment from the same premises);
 (b) The movement is subject to C&D (see below).

 (ii) For units that are not registered under PRIMO, all of the above conditions  will apply and a 20-day standstill will apply from the arrival of the pigs to all  susceptible animals on the destination premises.

Q18: What does cleansing and disinfection of vehicles involve?

A18: Cleansing and disinfection should be carried out so as to reduce as far as  reasonably practicable the risk of transmission of disease.  This involves;

• before and after each movement the vehicle’s wheels, wheel arches and mudflaps must  be cleansed and disinfected and the outside of vehicle must be cleansed of any  visible mud, animal faeces or any similar matter;

• After first cleansing a vehicle or other equipment, disinfection  should be carried  out with a disinfectant approved under the Diseases of Animals (Approved  Disinfectants) (England) Order 2007 at the concentration required under that Order.

Q19: When will the Veterinary Certificates be available?

Q19: The certificates will be available on  the Defra Website from 00.01 hrs Thursday 16  August.

Q20: How many copies are needed?

A20: Two copies.  One to accompany the consignment and one to be retained by the LVI.   The producers copy of the AML2 document should be countersigned by the LVI to  indicate that a movement licence has been issued.

Q21: What happens if I need to send pigs to more than one destination?
A21: Separate licences covering the separate destinations will be required.
15 August 2007

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Animal Health Act 1981
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006

Veterinary Certificate for general licence for the movement of pigs from breeding units to grower units, and grower units to finishing units in a Restricted Zone for welfare purposes

Name of person in charge of the pigs  ……………………………………..............................
Address and CPHH of Premises of Origin ………………………………………………………
Name, Address and CPHH of the Premises of Destination ……………………………………
I, the undersigned, being an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Animal Health Act 1981, certify that the following conditions supporting a licence under Article 39 (1) and paragraph 1 of Schedule 7 to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006 have been met:

1. On ………………….………(date) ,  I carried out a clinical inspection of the herd of origin and found no clinical evidence of foot and mouth disease in the pigs to be moved or in the other production units on the premises at the time of inspection;

 Number of animals inspected (as declared by owner or keeper) ……………………..

2. I confirm that, in my opinion, there is an * existing / * anticipated acute welfare problem on the above mentioned premises of origin, the resolution of which requires movement of animals off the premises;

3. A written declaration has been received from the person in charge of the animals to be moved confirming that:  either 

* (i) the premises of origin and destination are both approved under Article 14 of the Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) Order 2007; or
* (ii) the premises of origin and/or the premises of destination are not approved under Article 14 of the Pigs (Records, Identification and Movement) Order 2007; 

* 4. I am satisfied that the premises of destination meets the following requirements:
(i)      it is suitable for holding this consignment of pigs without incurring immediate welfare problems;
(ii)  * no pigs will be resident on the premises prior to the movement of the animals;

* 5 I have received a written declaration from the veterinarian supervising the premises of destination confirming that it meets the following requirements:
(i)      it is suitable for holding this consignment of pigs without incurring immediate welfare problems;
(ii)  * no pigs will be resident on the premises prior to the movement of the animals;

 * delete if not applicable


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Animal Health Act 1981
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006

General licence for the movement of pigs from breeding units to grower units, and grower units to finishing units in a Restricted Zone for welfare purposes

I being an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Animal Health Act 1981, grant the following licence under Article 39 (1) and paragraph 1 of Schedule 7 to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006:


This licence permits the movement of pigs in a Restricted Zone to alleviate acute or anticipated welfare problems from:

(a) breeding units to grower units, and
(b) grower units to finishing units

subject to the conditions set out in the Schedule of Conditions attached.

This licence does not apply to any animals which may be moved under a licence issued for the movement of animals within a premises along a public highway.
Fred Landeg

Date:   15 August 2007

Schedule - General Licence Conditions

i) The move must be direct.

ii) Any person moving a pig under this licence must have received a veterinary certificate issued by a Local Veterinary Inspector or an Official Veterinarian confirming that:

(a) he has satisfied himself that there is no clinical evidence of foot-and-mouth disease in the pigs to be moved or in the other production units on the premises at the time of the inspection;
  (b) that there is an acute or anticipated welfare problem associated with the pigs to be moved that cannot be resolved without moving them;
iii) Any person moving a pig under this licence must be satisfied that a copy of the veterinary certificate required under (ii) above has been sent to the Meat and Livestock Commission.

iv) The loading of pigs onto any vehicle used to transport the pigs must commence no later than six hours after the veterinary certificate required in (ii) above has been signed. 

v)  (a) Except as provided for in (b) below, this licence does not authorise any movement where the distance between the premises of origin and the premises of destination is greater than 50km.

 (b)  Where a batch of pigs to be moved under this licence are to be moved to premises of destination which are empty before the first animal is moved,  the distance between the premises of origin and the premises of destination must not be greater than 100km.

 In this condition, the distance between the premises of origin and the premises of destination is the direct distance and not the distance by road.

vi) Where a vehicle is used to move the animals it must be cleansed and disinfected in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (England) Order 2003, before the first animal of a batch of animals to be moved is loaded and again after the last animal of that batch is unloaded.

vii) Any person moving animals under this licence must take all other reasonable precautions to avoid the transfer of contamination between premises, in particular wearing appropriate clothing and footwear and observing hygiene practice.

viii) Any person moving pigs under this licence must retain the veterinary certificate required at (ii) above for a period of 2 months and produce it to an inspector on demand.

ix) A person moving anything under authority of a general licence granted under the Order must carry with him at all times during the licensed movement, a  note which contains details of the pigs moved including the number; the date of the movement; the address of the premises from which the movement started and the address of the premises of destination. On demand made by an inspector, or other officer of the Secretary of State, the person moving anything under authority of a general licence must produce the note and allow a copy or extract to be taken; and on such demand provide his name and address.


• Any premises of destination which is not part of the same pig pyramid and subject to the same approval under Article 14 of the Pig (Records, Identification and Movement) Order 2007 as the premises of destination will be placed under a 20 day standstill.

• All movements are subject to the animals being properly identified and accompanied by the appropriate duly completed AML form and the movements must be reported to the local authority.

• Failure to observe the measures required in this licence is an offence under Section 73 of the Animal Health Act 1981. The penalty on conviction of an offence under this section is a maximum of six months imprisonment and/or a £5,000 fine.

• The MLC is at:

PO Box 44, Winterhill House, Snowdon Drive, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AX.  The fax number is 01908 844228

• Contact your local Animal Health Office or Local Authority for further advice on biosecurity measures and any other legislation that may apply.


Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs

Animal Health Act 1981(as amended)
Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006

General licence for the movement of susceptible animals between premises under the same occupation in a Restricted Zone in order to protect the welfare of those animals

I being a veterinary inspector appointed by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Animal Health Act 1981, grant the following licence under Article 39(1) and paragraph 1 of Schedule 7 to the Foot-and-Mouth Disease (England) Order 2006:


This licence permits the movement of susceptible animals from premises in a Restricted Zone (excluding a Protection Zone or a Surveillance Zone) to premises under the same occupation also in a Restricted Zone (excluding a Protection Zone or a Surveillance Zone) where that movement is necessary to protect the welfare of those animals, subject to the conditions attached.

Fred Landeg

Veterinary Inspector

Date:  15 August 2007


i) The premises to which the animals are moved must be situated within a 3 kilometre radius of the premises from which they are moved.

ii) Any animal excreta deposited on public roads during the movement  must be removed immediately after the movement is completed.

iii) Where a vehicle is used to move the animals it must be cleansed and disinfected in accordance with Schedule 2 of the Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) (England) Order 2003, before loading the first animal from any batch of animals and again after the last animal from that batch is unloaded.


• Failure to observe the measures required in this licence is an offence under Section 73 of the Animal Health Act 1981. The penalty on conviction of an offence under this section is a maximum of six months imprisonment and/or a £5,000 fine.

• Contact your local Animal Health Office or Local Authority for further advice on biosecurity measures and any other legislation that may apply.